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Sanitary protection zone delineation and substantiation

Pursuant to sanitary norms and regulations SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, facilities and other structures”, a sanitary protection zone (SPZ), which is a territory subject to special land use provisions, is established around facilities having an impact on the environmental and human health. The size of the SPZ should be sufficient to reduce levels of chemical, biological and physical impacts on air to within health standards.

The so-called SPZ project is a document substantiating the proposed size of the SPZ. Under the applicable laws, the SPZ substantiation is a mandatory component of design documents for construction and reconstruction of Hazard Class 1-3 facilities.

Once the SPZ project is approved (i.e. a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is issued), the actual SPZ is established based on field measurements confirming the previous estimates.

The objectives of this process are:

  • Substantiate and obtain an approval from relevant authorities for the estimated SPZ size;
  • Develop and obtain stakeholder’s approval for measures aimed at ensuring permissible sanitary and health conditions at and around the site;
  • Manage human health impacts;
  • Develop a budget for SPZ creation;
  • Acknowledgement of the estimated SPZ in urban planning documentation;
  • Confirmation of the SPZ site through field observations and measurements.

Specific activities here include:

  • Identify and evaluate impacts on habitats in relation to chemical and physical pollution of air;
  • Comparison of actual impacts with sanitary and health requirements;
  • Assessment of the human health risk (for Hazard Class 1 and 2 facilities);
  • Substantiation of activities aimed at ensuring permissible sanitary and health conditions;
  • Allocation of financing for SPZ creation;
  • Development of a follow-up system to measure effectiveness of the SPZ creation process;
  • Support of the SPZ project with Rospotrebnadzor’s (the Russian Federal Supervision Service for Consumer Rights and Human Welfare) federal department (for Hazard Class 1 and 2 facilities) and/or regional departments; technical support during consideration of SPZ materials by the state expert review board;
  • Field observations and measurements at the SPZ boundary to confirm the proposed SPZ site;
  • Support registration of the SPZ by Rospotrebnadzor.
Below is the list of major projects for which SHANECO developed SPZ substantiation documentation:
Project: Year:
SPZ substantiation document, Klin Meat-Packing Plant , Moscow region 2005
SPZ substantiation document, Alcoa Metallurg Rus, Rostov region 2007
SPZ substantiation document, Gazpromneft-MNPZ, Moscow 2008
SPZ substantiation document, Avtoframos, Moscow 2009
SPZ substantiation document, Gazpromneft-ONPZ, Omsk 2009
SPZ substantiation document, Ryazan Oil Refining Company 2011
SPZ substantiation document for the low-temperature isomerisation unit, Ryazan Oil Refining Company 2011
Adjustment of the SPZ substantiation document, Ryazan Oil Refining Company 2011
SPZ substantiation document for the vacuum blot of the ELOU AT 6 combined electrical desalter and atmospheric vacuum distillation unit, Ryazan Oil Refining Company 2012
SPZ substantiation document, Alagirsky Cement Plant, UGMK-Cement 2012
SPZ substantiation document for future development, VMZ 2013
SPZ substantiation document, Rosmetallurgia’s branch in Obninsk 2013
SPZ substantiation document for construction of a second waste disposal section as part of reconstruction of an industrial and domestic waste landfill, Vyksunsky Metallurgical Plant, Nizhny Novgorod region 2014
SPZ substantiation document for an industrial hub including Trubodetal’s branch in Chusovoy and the Chusovoy Metallurgical Plant, Perm region 2014
SPZ substantiation document for a cement plant (12 kt of clinker per day), Tula region 2014
SPZ substantiation document, Gazpromneft-ONPZ, Omsk 2014
SPZ substantiation document for the development plan until 2019, Blagoveschenk Valve Plant, Bashkortostan 2015
SPZ substantiation document for the combined cycle gas turbine unit of the 900 MW and 840 Gcal/h CHP plant, Nizhny Novgorod 2015
SPZ substantiation document for the of the plant (construction of a clay preparation area), TulaCement, Tula region 2015
SPZ substantiation document for a cement plant (5 kt of clinker per day), Rostov region 2015
SPZ substantiation document for the reconstruction and modernisation programme until 2020, Gazpromneft-MNPZ, Moscow 2015
SPZ substantiation document, CHP-9, Moscow 2015
SPZ substantiation document for the combined cycle gas turbine unit of the 900 MW CHP plant, Nizhny Novgorod region 2015