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Project Management

In every project activity, we follow modern project management standards. At a customer’s request, our engagement can include a dedicated PMI-based Project Management Office (PMO).

At an initial stage of a project, it is typically practical to launch a pilot PMO for a reference project to trial different aspects of its implementation: contents, quality, resources, deadlines, costs, risks, communications, deliveries, and stakeholder relations. As the reference project’s success will be insured by effective interaction between our specialists and respective departments of the customer, the project management system can then be adapted and proliferated to all other assets.

Our company has been operating in this market since 1992, and to date we have established strong relations with numerous Russian and foreign design and survey organisations. We are fully capable of providing a highly efficient and qualified team for a project of any complexity, by utilising our in-house resources or supplementing them with partnering experts where necessary.

The key purpose of creating a project management system is to ensure continuity of the customer’s business processes through the system’s robust mechanisms preventing unfavourable factors throughout the lifecycle of an investment project. Adverse effects of existing and potential risks are offset by a set of preventive and corrective measures allowing the project to be completed on time and within the approved budget.

Our fundamental principle is to be customer and result oriented, and so a PMO mainly serves the following roles:

  • Harmonise requirements to the investment and design processes to create conditions allowing for efficient relations of all stakeholders;
  • Create a single project management methodology (PMO) to allow for real-time communications between the customer and design organisations and enabling them to:
    • Coordinate activities of all participants in the single information space (a dedicated website);
    • Develop and implement the baseline plan to manage contents, quality, resources, deadlines, costs, risks, communications, deliveries, and stakeholder relations;
    • Identify gaps, uncertainties and associated risks;
    • Formulate specific management strategies for each risk (elimination, minimisation, transfer to a third party);
    • Develop risk matrixes indicating the risks’ types, causes, significance and probability, including preventive or minimisation measures;
    • Suggest personal accountability for risk management activities;
    • Minimise the cost of risk management in the system of preventive measures to facilitate the highest efficiency of the project;
    • Develop a PDCA-based system to manage the project’s baseline plan to warrant adequate control by senior management.

As part of the project management approach, we are ready undertake the following commitments:

  1. Conduct a detailed gap analysis of completed and in-progress survey and design documents and translate the identified gaps and uncertainties into existing or potential risks of the project.
  2. Review short-term and mid-term asset development plans and identify potential associated risks.
  3. Review instructions / claims from supervisory authorities to determine legal compliance of operations, evaluate commitments to state and banking structures (including international financial institutions where necessary).
  4. Perform a survey of production facilities and interview key personnel to identify current and hidden risks.
  5. Facilitate relations with stakeholders including executive and supervisory authorities, local communities, NGOs and design organisations, and integrate risk management activities into the project’s stakeholder engagement plan.
  6. Participate in acceptance and testing of design documentation prepared by contractors before it is submitted to an expert review to minimise the risk of rejection / qualified opinions.
  7. Prepare a list of deficiencies and required improvements; participate in acceptance of adjusted design and survey documentation.
  8. Forecast legal, technical and organisational risks associated with development projects, and develop corresponding risk minimisation measures.
  9. Prepare presentations and interim reports on ongoing projects.

Complexity of a specific project will determine the exact scope, intensity, frequency and resource needs of our services to best suit the interests and requirements of the customer and other stakeholders.