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Development of hazardous waste passports (certificates)

Pursuant to Federal Law No 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste” dated 24/06/1998, Hazard Class 1-4 wastes require a passport (certificate) reflecting their composition and environmental impact.

A waste passport is a document that confirms the waste’s type and hazard class.

The main objective of waste certification is as follows:

  • Ensure compliance with requirements set by the federal environmental regulator.

Specific activities include:

  • Assignment of a specific hazard class to a waste material:
    • According to the federal waste classifier if the waste is included in the classifier;
    • If the waste is not included in the federal classifier, by computational and experimental method in line with the Criteria for classification of hazardous waste.
Below is the list of major projects for which SHANECO developed waste passports:
Наиболее крупные объекты, для которых проводилась разработка паспортов отходов:
Project: Year:
Development of hazardous waste passports, Blagoveschensk Valve Plant, Bashkortostan 2015
Development of hazardous waste passports, Gazpromneft-MNPZ 2016